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To support our trade analysis and advisory business we maintain billions of lines of commodity and mode level trade data for major as well as smaller economies across the globe. We track both annual and monthly data. We complement our trade databases with maritime, air cargo, rail and road traffic from other data sources.

The interactive map below gives an overview of the coverage of our trade databases. We currently have detailed commodity level databases that cover all imports and exports for approximately 180 countries, including mode of transport level information for 100. Our annual data is complete through to 2023 for most countries. Additionally, we also track monthly trade for over 50 countries current through to the most recent available month. 

On an ongoing basis, we compile and update key trade data sets from multiple economies worldwide. Many of the databases we maintain provide high levels of granularity, including mode, commodity, partner, province or state level information on weight, value and quantity. Generally, we compile data on an HS6 or HS10 level, but we have developed our own aggregate commodity groups to provide more meaningful analysis for specific industries or transport modes.

Data is stored in and disseminated as Microsoft PowerBI databases and dashboards which allows easy development of custom analyses and web-based deployment.

Our datasets can assist in export or import development, market sizing and assessment, as well as detailed trade analysis. Please contact us if you are interested in exploring how our data can help you better understand the environment you operate in.

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